Healing Affirmations

I am loving these daily Affirmations by Deepak Chopra. Each one starts with a different letter. I have been listening to them in the morning as I get ready for my day. Having a word, thought, affirmation to focus on during the day really provides a postive way to start the day plus a way to redirect when negativity does come into your day. What podcasts, affirmations or playlist bring positivity into your life?

Let Go Of Self Doubt

Today’s #motivationmonday quote maybe alittle late but I think we all can relate to this in some small (or large) way. Maybe you are going after a new goal or have hit a plateau in a current goal. Maybe there is a goal you have been meaning to start working towards. What if we let go of self-doubt and self-judgement? What if we could express gratitude for the desire to get started and keep going? How much more can we enjoy the journey and see the lessons we are learning along the way if we set down the shadow of self-doubt?

Choose Forgiveness

We are all flawed. We will make mistakes or respond to situations in a way that we wish we could change. The only way to grow is to let go, forgive yourself and learn the lessons. That is the path to love. When we love ourselves, we have more love to give to those we are blessed to share this life with.