Thankful Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This year, like for many of you, looks different for our family.

When my son joined the military, I felt like my dad had really prepared me. He was always happy to celebrate holidays and birthdays whenever we could be together. The day didn’t matter. This is our 3rd Thanksgiving without our Marine but now, we have a nurse, an EMT and a essential worker doing COVID clean-ups, and we are in the middle of a pandemic, as 1st year empty nesters.

Today, my husband and me spent a quiet day with our granddaughter, baking, watching movies, dancing and singing. Tomorrow we will celebrate with our daughter and son in love and his parents. When we get home, we will celebrate with our youngest and Christmas will be with our middle son and his newborn son.

It is weird to have each child have their own holiday with us, but we also know how incredibly blessed we are. We are healthy, happy, and know how much we love each other.

Our SILs parents are truly the kindest, most genuine people I have ever meet and am grateful to have them as family.

In life, just because things don’t look the way we thought they would, does not mean they are not just as they should be.